Saturday, 25 July 2015

I believe in Faries I do I do I do...

As I live in Dumfries there has been a lot around for the last few years as they do up Moat Brae. (The home of author JM Barrie) And everywhere I turn I see fairy Events. 
Tomorrow in Dumfries for those local there is Fairy and Pirate Day at Dock Park, where will be telling her fantastic tales, it's At the bandstand. Hmm I wonder if I could get away with pushing through to the front. I hear Susi having been bit at a young age exhibits all sorts of fae characteristics, Well worth popping down early to get a good seat.

I have my wings at the ready for a fun packed day, in the meantime at fairy HQ I am making some more mini winter fairies I will be doing a Gnome tutorial later on and will try to get Gordy the gnome posted tomorrow, Flying away for now, but leaving you all with this cute winter fairy.

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